Work on Clark Trail

Clark trail in Elphinstone provides connection between communities for active transportationSCRD tells us they plan to do some work on Clark trail this spring, which is great news!

At the beginning of March, ECA volunteers helped kick off that project by cleaning up the waterway that has been backing up on to the trail and making it more like a series of ponds. 

If you’ve used the trail recently you may have noticed water moving briskly through this improved channel, although there’s still plenty of water pooling in low spots. We don’t yet know the extent of the work SCRD has planned, but they did a great job last year on the section of Mahan between Fairview and Rosamund. Stay tuned, and if you’d like to help we always have ongoing trail maintenance work.

Clark trail connects the north end of Clark at Sunnyside with Chaster, near Cedar Grove Elementary.