
A man walking a dog on a trail through the forest
Pedestrian and cycling trails that connect neighbourhoods to each other and to commercial areas encourage active transportation and are important to our quality of life. ECA works with local government, property owners and volunteers to secure right of...
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Chaster House, a historic former home now serving as a community meeting hall.
Chaster House
Chaster House and Park are a valuable community asset with historic connections to Elphinstone. The building and grounds sit only a meter or so above the extreme high tide in the Salish Sea. Similarly, Chaster House backs on to Chaster Creek which flooded...
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Area E Roads
The Area E Roads Committee documents safety issues and other road conditions of concern to residents. Roads in the SCRD are administered by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (rather than a local municipal authority accountable...
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Forest Conservation
ECA recognizes that potential logging of the south slope of Mt. Elphinstone would have significant impacts on the lands and homes in Area E. There has already been substantial flood damage downslope from previous logging activity. Residents currently...
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